Everyday life, social events, life in a society
What are mornings like for your family?
How do you get to school?
When did you last do any housework?
What would your ideal weekend be like?
In your opinion, are typical weekdays different for girls and boys?
Have you ever kept a diary?
How do you spend your free time during weekdays?
How much time do you spend studying?
How much time do you spend doing housework?
Is there anything you would like to change about your daily routine?
How will your day change when school ends?
Do you mind people coming late to a meeting?
What advice would you give to someone who often forgets things?
Do you like going to parties?
Are there a lot of social events held in the place where you live?
What was the last family celebration you enjoyed?
Have you ever organized a birthday party?
Would you like to have a big wedding?
Would you like to have a surprise birthday party in the future?
In your opinion, should every teenager visit ballroom dancing classes?